Written, Directed & Choreographed by nicHi douglas at Ars Nova ANT Fest 2017 and JACK (Fall 2017)
© Photos by Marcus Middleton
Black Girl Magic Show! is an absurdist dance theatre lecture on Black female identity. Utilizing African Diasporan histories, Black feminist theory, and a lot of stuff nicHi douglas made up, BGMS attempts to unpack, re-pack, and de-pack the Black female experience in America as witnessed by one Black woman - The Professor.As the audience follows The Professor, they discover what might happen if the one Black girl without "Black Girl Magic" takes matters into her own hands. Before the show ends, the audience experiences a TED-type talk, modern dance, a magic routine, and a concert, often simultaneously. And they probably see at least 20 wigs.

Devised, Directed, & Choreographed by nicHi douglas
Mural Design by Sharone Halevy
Costume Design by Karen Boyer
Lighting Design by Cha See
Sound Design by Joe Miles
Stage Manager Kendall Allen
Assistant Director Marcus "Zebra" Smith
Costumes Assistant Crystal Kovacs
Assistant Stage Manager Maya Pagán
© Photos by Marcus Middleton
a devised theater piece exploring cult culture and the extremes of religion through durational post-modern dance. created in collaboration with Playwrights Horizons Theater School students at NYU/Tisch Drama.
Directed, Choreographed, and Written by nicHi douglas
Ritual Soloist: Tatiana Desardouin
DJ/Sound Designer: Kim Jefferson
Assistant Stage Manager: Keyana Hemphill
Assistant Choreographer: Aigner Mizzelle
Performed by Tatiana Desardouin, nicHi douglas, Sierra Leverett, Iman Richardson, and Lisa Nicole Wilkerson, with Eric Austin
© Photos by Marcus Middleton and Noemie Tshinanga
i am untouched. i feel like some unknown farmer, or God, or my ancestors have decided that i shouldn’t be touched. and that my love should lie fallow.
four Black women, minds lubricated by wine, talk flowing, uncover difficult truths about personal histories and about love - beautiful, hideous, elusive love. as West African spiritualities interlace with the House dance scene, a stage play explodes into an expressive dance concert.